Take advantage of the vast benefits of 3D printing with Micro. Our team understands the need to be at the cusp of innovation for manufacturing success, and will assist in your tooling and fixture design with Additive Manufacturing.
For Micro, additive manufacturing technology means producing functional prototypes in a fraction of the time, while using much less material than traditional methods. Additive manufacturing also enables a whole-new technique to develop parts that wouldn't be possible without 3D printing. Printed parts can also be used to evaluate designs and use as communication aids. This hands-on thinking generates new ideas and insights to speed up the development process and improve the final product.
Our Stratasys 380MC Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) machine is capable of 3D printing with 7 different thermoplastics:
- ABS-M30
- ABS-M30i
- PC
- FDM Nylon 12